This study aims to evaluate virulence and antimicrobial susceptibility of subpopulations generated from macrocolonies of NDM-1 producing Enterobacter hormaechei clinical isolates. II: Rings 1: The radical 2: Primitive rings and the density theorem 3: Semi-simple rings 4: The Wedderburn principal theorem 5: Theorems of Hopkins and Levitzki 6: Primitive rings with minimal ideals and dual vector spaces 7: Simple rings Pt. Enterobacter cloacae complex has been increasingly recognized as a nosocomial pathogen representing the third major Enterobacteriaceae species involved with infections. I: Fields 1: Field extensions 2: Ruler and compass constructions 3: Foundations of Galois theory 4: Normality and stability 5: Splitting fields 6: Radical extensions 7: The trace and norm theorems 8: Finite fields 9: Simple extensions 10: Cubic and quartic equations 11: Separability 12: Miscellaneous results on radical extensions 13: Infinite algebraic extensions Pt.