Have many photos and will share whatever in order to get the details accurate for Sale of this tractor. I am looking for actual details of the year and value and manual would be great. PS the bluebook that is sold on this site does not have anything for the Country Squire Tractors. Please contact me at (541) 992-0490 or email me using subject "Country Squire tractor info" to you in advance for any information. Looking to sell if I can get proper values and detailed information & maybe track down a manual. Just moved into yard from garage, meaning it was stored indoors for many years. The tractor is in good condition, tires have not even lost air. Looking for information on my Country Squire Tractor Serial No. Mission Manufacturing now owns the rights to Power King and supports the tractors.Country Squire Tractor Serial No. Eventually the Power King assets were sold to Yazoo- Kees and production ended. Power King was sold to Support Services International in 1. Originally the name for certain EPCO tractors, Power King became the brand for the entire line in 1. Power King tractors were built by Engineering Products Company (EPCO) of Wisconsin. The nation's largest food service equipment auction company. Your full service Commercial, Industrial and Real Estate auction professionals. Wants ads and For Sale ads for antique tractors, parts, implements and farm equipment. They somehow pull off the whole “slurp up ants with their sticky, noodly, bendy straw tongues” so confidently you forget how. The first 2 digits are the rear wheel size, the second 2.Īnteaters are very good animals. The model numbers for the Economy tractor/ Power King tractor/ Jim Dandy tractor consists of 4 digits. The next morning before some townsfolk arrive, she audaciously begs that he not embarrass her and reveal that they have slept apart and not. Expedited shipping available, just call! Most prices for parts and manuals are below our. Fast Shipping! Most of our stocked parts ship within 24 hours (M-Th). If you are into garage sales, you can often pick up. Tools, Test Equipment, and Other Stuff Hand Tools Invest in good tools. Back to Troubleshooting Table of Contents.