A routine in Jermay is tracking on what chair a spectator wants to sit The viewer may ask you to continue reading. Best known for his use of suggestions and use and the obvious use of hidden forms of psychological impact, his trademark routines are an apparently self-terminated pulse followed by an apparently stopping a random audience pulse and the chair tip. You will be very fearless because of the script during the opening and middle of the routine, this is not done to shame on you, or to shock it has an important effect. During this slow and gradual meeting of the numbers, I begin with another clear technique that will be discussed later in this chapter, creating a feeling through the viewer finger. I have shown my belief that the viewer can do what I have requested. When we look at what has been said, I basically have. Instead of asking the audience to let your eyes dress on all the cards, say something like: I want you to concentrate on just one playing card.

Manipulation of Perception Effect The athlete removes a folded square with paper and unfolds it, showing it to one of the two spectators who previously joined the cast member table.

Some Ifeel is almost worth the price of the book.